01/03/08 A warm sunny day with a
gentle southerly wind.......which means we are more than likely to get
rain tomorrow! I fitted my new wi-fi antenna to the gantry which
should give me better reception than the small netgear transceiver
aerial that I am presently using. Just need to complete the wiring
for it now and fit the special connectors - not quite as easy as it
sounds. Astrid invited me to dinner onboard Storm Dodger
where her crew has grown with the arrival of daughter Danni and
grand-daughter Sophie (aged 9 months), who are here for a holiday.
02/03/08 As
expected.....woke to rain! I have a problem with the fresh water
pump in that it is pumping but no water is reaching the taps, so it's
going to mean stripping out the lockers again and looking for
leaks/burst pipes which will have to wait because today is
Sunday......and time for our monthly excursion to The Three Bells in
Icmeler for lunch. There were fewer of us today, only a
dozen, including Jan, Gina, Roger, Astrid, Leah, Danni and baby Sophie.
As usual the dinners were excellent (photo's) and big enough to make you want to
curl up after and have a nap, which is exactly what Sophie did! That aside, Roger, Gina,
Astrid and I managed a couple of drinks in the marina bar during the
03/03/08 Started work at 0700,
running the two 10mm solar panel cables from the gantry through the four
lockers in the aft cabin along with the LMR400 cable for the wi-fi
antenna. Macit the electrician turned up about 3pm, just as I got
the last cable through into the nav. berth, but to my dismay it was only
for a chat about remote control starting of the engine - which I do not
want! The solar panel will not be here until the 10th March and I
am due out of the water on the 15th....it's going to be tight getting
everything sorted out in readiness for the lift out. I then
stripped out the lockers in the saloon and found a burst fresh water
pipe in the most forward locker. I hadn't been able to work
out why the water hadn't appeared in the bilge when the pump kept
running.....now I knew....it had all gone into my 'airing cupboard' and
all the towels etc were soaked! Hey ho, wash all the towels, hang
them out to dry, mop out the cupboard and repair the pipe, now I have
fresh water onboard again.
04/03/08 Hamsi night in the
restaurant saw Storm Dodger's crew and myself enjoying another
evening of chatting over dinner, followed by a couple of drinks in the
05/03/08 I am gradually getting the boat
back in order....after cleaning out the after cabin lockers and
hoovering up the dust from the last few days of hole drilling, I packed
away some of the gear and can now see the cockpit seats again!
Astrid came round, closely followed by Roger, then Danni and Sophie, Kev
and Karen.....and the rum came out for a sociable afternoon!
06/03/08 A hot and sunny day......is
summer coming back? Great weather for Roger and Astrid's
twenty-sixth wedding anniversary - congratulations to you both.
07/03/08 All the windows removed
from the boat in preparation for yet another set of new ones to be
fitted. Constant attempts to stop the minor leaks all end in
failure, so it's time for drastic measures! Welcomed back
Mike and Sam (Master Spy) who have been in the UK for some
months and are now anti-fouling the boat in readiness for re-launching. Liveaboard night in the bar......went along there after dinner onboard
Storm Dodger and had a good evening.
08/03/08 Okay, .......now I know
what the inside of a Turkish Hospital looks like! Sometime
after midnight, Gina became unwell and collapsed in the bar, an
ambulance was called and Paul, Karen, Roger and I went up to the
hospital where Gina was admitted for observation. We returned to
the boats just after 4.30am. Fortunately, the doctors didn't deem
it necessary for Gina to remain in hospital, Paul and Karen (Antigua
Lady) collecting her in the car around noon and returning her to the
marina. During the afternoon, a group of us went to the Portofino
in Marmaris for fish 'n' chips and to watch the rugby, England losing to
Scotland - much to Suzanne's delight!
09/03/08 Marmaris Yacht Marina Boat
Jumble started around 9.30am in the restaurant gardens - 35 tables of
'one man's junk.....another man's treasure,' which was very well
attended, helped no doubt by the glorious sunshine. There was a
BBQ during the afternoon when the tables had been cleared and yotties
had carted their purchases away, wondering where they were going to
store them, or why they had even bought them! I decided to have
an early night after watching a DVD, as tomorrow could be a long day - a
combined birthday party at the Orange Bar in Aktas for Jamie (Esper)
and Terry (Reality). Gina, who has her birthday
on Wednesday is also supposed to be having her party with Jamie and
Terry, but I'm hopeful that she will continue to rest and not attend on
this occasion.
10/03/08 I went into town this morning
for some heat shrink material, new inner tube for the bike, sausages and
various other bits, catching the 11am dolmus back to the marina. Said farewell to a tearful
Danni and baby Sophie in the afternoon, as they flew back to the UK (and
the storms!) before catching the courtesy dolmus to the Orange Bar at
6pm. Another great evening, with good food, live music and the
obligatory karaoke session - and free transport home again. Gina
did turn up at the party!!
11/03/08 Into town again, with Kev (Nisroc),
this time for battery bus bars, diesel and anti-foul paint,
returning to the marina in time for the lecture on celestial navigation
given by David of Sunshine.
12/03/08 Happy
Birthday to Gina! A
change of weather today, high winds (53 knots) from the south brought
thunder, lightning and heavy rain - and problems with the boat to
pontoon distance! I put a line from my genoa winch to
Calidore's mid-ship cleat and another from bow to bow which held me
safely off the pontoon....but made it impossible to get on or off the
stern! Things calmed down during the afternoon and thankfully, the
temporary polythene window covers had kept the interior of the boat dry.
Early evening saw Gina, Astrid, Roger, myself, David of Sunshine
and John of Chagazee onboard Destiny with owners Nigel and
Debbie for a great dinner to celebrate Gina's birthday....followed of
course by a few drinks!
13/03/08 Summoned to the marina office
this morning! What have I done? Who have I upset? No
worries, it was only to ask me if I could be lifted onto the hard
tomorrow instead of Saturday....nothing like a bit of pressure to get
the boat ready for moving! VS Marin came along and fitted
the new windows during the afternoon, so hopefully I will get no more
leaks and they will be back in two weeks to check.
Roger, Astrid, Gina and myself went to The Orange Bar during the evening
for dinner, talking of all the jobs that we all need to do whilst our
boats are out of the water.
14/03/08 Lift out day! Up at 6.30,
took down the cockpit coverings, removed all extra lines, replaced the
stern ropes and springs with slipping lines and ran up the engine.
The joker boat came round for me at 8.30am and I moved round to the
hoist, was lifted out about an hour later and the hull power washed
before being transferred to a cradle and moved to my new home for the
next fifteen days. A cursory look at the hull showed no immediate
disasters, but electrolysis and/or galvanic corrosion of the propeller was evident.
Impulse was lifted out shortly afterwards and parked directly in
front of my boat....again no obvious hull damage to Gina's boat.
15/03/08 Close inspection of the
propeller showed it had de-zincified and will have to be replaced. The cutless bearing is also worn and will need replacement
at the same time as the prop. The sacrificial anode had totally
gone, which has obviously left the prop exposed to galvanic corrosion.
Some fibre glass work is also needed on the very bottom of the keel, so
I'm going to have a busy couple of weeks. Sami, the carpenter
chose today to turn up, which extended the chaos onboard as he fitted
new window and hatch frames. I spent most of the day scraping the
underwater area, loosening the prop and cutless bearing bolts and trying
to find anywhere that could supply, or cast a new propeller. Went
to the Orange Bar in the evening with Astrid and Gina but returned
fairly early to get some rest.
16/03/08 I managed to remove the
propeller after a little difficulty, then tackled the removal of the
cutless bearing housing.....impossible single-handed! Roger came
over to help, unscrewing the housing from ground level, whilst I held
the stern tube - hanging upside down under the aft cabin flooring.
Sami finished the carpentry work, so I now have smart new hatch and
window surrounds which can be varnished in a week or so. Another
early night!
17/03/08 St Pats Day....seems like
ages ago when we celebrated the last one in Gibraltar. I gave Demir Marine
the job of pressing out the cutless
bearing from it's housing and fitting new. They are also to
make a teflon spacer to fit between hull and housing. Marmaris doesn't seem, at this moment, to have any prop
specialists and I may have to get one from Istanbul or Izmir, and given
the time factor of being out of the water, I will need to order one
fairly quickly! Also discovered a minor area of osmosis in
the rudder which I opened up by drilling a series of holes to allow air
in. Colin and Tricia (Moody Time)
returned from the UK, good to see them again after almost five months
away. The bar was packed during the evening, all wearing
silly hats and dancing to jigs, and as usual a very good time was had by
all - including the bus load of yotties who came over from Netsel
18/03/08 Demir Marine are unable
to do anything with the bearing housing, they say they can't get a new
one of that size and are recommending a new propeller shaft, so I am
trying to source the correct cutless bearing myself.
19/03/08 Completed all the
underwater area scraping and sanding with the help of Roger, and started
the filling of the keel and rudder with epoxy filler. The
propeller remains a problem, the Istanbul specialist faxed back a
recommendation of a 55cm diameter prop - quite how I am supposed to fit
that into a 40cm hole is anyone's guess! New drawings were faxed
to the company but Turkcell have decided to go on strike, so all
computer connections have been lost until further notice - which is just
what I needed right now! Astrid very kindly invited me to
eat on Storm Dodger (again), after which we had a couple of beers
in the marina bar. Another early night in preparation for
tomorrow's work on the hull.
21/03/08 Happy Birthday Rachael.
22/03/08 After two days of hard work on
the hull, interspersed by telephone arguments with the propeller
manufacturer in Istanbul, the boat is now looking much better and I await delivery
of a new propeller - promised for the 28th.
I just hope it fits the shaft! I'm not impressed with the service
so far given by Demir Marine, so I've given the cutless bearing to Cetin
Marine, who will also make the new teflon spacer. The underwater
area of the hull now has it's first coat of primer paint -
pink!! I also have the same paint colour on me!
23/03/08 Easter Sunday - and
unlike the usual English rain over a Bank Holiday, we have a lightly
overcast sky and 23oC temperature. Netsel Marina were
hosting an Easter gathering, with free running buffet, drinks, kids
Easter egg hunt and an Easter Bonnet parade, so around 150 of us piled
onto 4 coaches and descended on the hosts like a swarm of locusts!
Later, back at the marina, a bit of a panic when John from La
Gabriella lost his cat overboard and a dozen or more of us searched
the dark waters by torchlight. Luckily, a rather wet, embarrassed
cat climbed back onboard somehow and was found shivering in the saloon
of John's boat.
24/03/08 Completed the pink primer
coating before 10am. Chased marina staff for supply of water, the
nearest tap is so far away that even two hoses together will not reach
it and I have been without a water supply since being hoisted from the
water. Each time I ask for water, staff turn up, have a look,
mutter something in Turkish and disappear again!
25/03/08 Started applying the blue
anti-fouling, shame really, I quite liked the girly pink!
Completed the first coat just as it started to rain, so I went to the
office to ask about water again......3 times today! The guy who
turns up on his scooter just shrugs his shoulders and tells me I need a
longer hose, (Doh! I know that!). Fortunately, an American
chap nearby had borrowed a hose and by coupling all three together, I
managed to fill my water tank. Took the 'out of water opportunity'
to fit an earth grounding plate for SSB radio (should I ever get one)
and Cetin Marine turned up with the spacer and cutless bearing - milled
from some sort of fibre (suspect it's 'tufnol'), before taking it away again to make another for
me to carry in reserve.
Happy Birthday to my brother Clive! Woke up feeling
awful, full of a cold, bunged up, light-headed, shivery, dizzy when I
lean forward.....typical 'man' flu! That isn't quite right.....maybe 60%
of the yotties here have been unwell over the last few weeks, some
really badly affected, so I guess I'm lucky to have fended it off for so
long! Tried to get the second coat of anti-foul on in between
showers, but gave up around 11am with 90% of the hull painted and
went over to Gina's boat for a coffee and chinwag. Had several
attempts to complete the painting during the afternoon but showers meant
my overalls were on and off continually and I finally abandoned the job
until tomorrow.
27/03/08 Finished the second and third
coats of anti-fouling by 9am. Mehmet of Cetin Marine fitted the
new cutless bearing for me (dropping the bolts into an inaccessible part
of the bilge in the process) and Roger helped me polish the white area
of the hull. I had to decline an invite to Storm Dodger for
dinner as I was now feeling very nauseous and shivering badly, though my
skin felt 'on fire'. Went to bed very early!
28/03/08 Woke feeling no better, made
worse by chilly wind and rain again. Today is launch day - and my
propeller is still in Istanbul, having the taper reamed from the
centre. They promise it will be here tomorrow but I wonder if that
is 'Turkish time?' Not able to do much today because of
feeling so rough, so I cleared it with the office to stay on the hard
for a day or so longer, then had a bit of a tidy up in the cockpit and
stowed some of the gear away but I need to keep the floor open in both
the after cabin and the saloon, where work has been done below the
waterline, until such time as the boat is safely afloat again.
Went to bed before 6.30pm.
29/03/08 Little change, still feeling
rough despite 12 hours sleep, still drizzle, still overcast - not really
a day for being in the rain at 0800 to move the boat out, allowing
Eagle Ray behind me to launch. Just as I was being moved, the
chandlery lad came to me with my new propeller but alas, despite three
different people measuring the shaft taper yesterday, it had been cut
wrongly and the chandlery sent it to Demir Marine (?) to have the taper re-cut.
Two attempts later, it was returned to me and I completed fitting the
locknut and pin at 16.20pm - just about time to be launched before the
staff knock off. However, it was now raining again following a
mostly warm and sunny day and I was not feeling up to scrabbling around
on the ground, painting the keel where the blocks had been, so I didn't
tell them I was ready to launch until it was too late. Hopefully I
will be launched on Monday. In bed again at 7pm, dosed up with
Beechams, Benylin and anything else I could think of!
Pity to miss Pete's
stag night, but there is no way I could go to that.
30/03/08 Welcome to summer time, did
everyone remember to put the clocks forward? I'm feeling a little
better today, aided by the warm sunshine - I even managed breakfast and
a cycle around the marina, but no-one was up, it seems most did
forget to put their clocks forward!
31/03/08 Urghh....yesterday's health
improvement was a flash in the pan - I woke feeling worse than ever!
Readied the boat for launching just in case they came for me early, then
went to the office to see what was happening. Office staff could
not give me a time, but when I returned to the boat, it was already on
it's trailer and on the way to the hoist! Painted the patches
where the pads have been and re-launched successfully, Roger coming with
me around to India pontoon. I'm about ten berths down from where I
previously was, which will be a worry should we get any more gales but
right now, it's wonderful to feel the gentle rocking and creaking
instead of the dust, mud, and noise of the hard. I filled the
water tank, then went into town, primarily for medicines from the
chemist.....this is getting me down big time! In bed by 9pm
suitably dosed up with everything.
Haul Out Photographs
for previous logs
