08/09/24 Sun. Been a busy week, we've been over in the
seaplane hangar for several days while Ana repaired Ray's three sails.
She is still busy making outboard engine covers, tiller covers and a few
boats are waiting for her to start their jobs.
12/09/24 Thurs. Making jerry can covers and a new sprayhood for
Graeme's boat.
15/09/24 Sun. Now on our fifth day and night of continuous rain.
Last night I had to run the engine for an hour as the batteries were
going down and we've had no solar input lately. We were up several
times during the night because of strong winds (over 30 knots) and
choppy seas in the bay. One casualty was Tony and Tracey whose
mooring chain snapped just after midnight and they drifted toward the
mangroves before managing to anchor. The bad weather is forecast to
continue for another week at least.
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