01/05/10 I planned to leave this morning
and make my own way to Cochin but Sandeep's recommendation of crew made
me change my mind and wait another couple of days, although I suspect
there may be trouble with the Port Captain and Customs when I change my
crew list on Monday.

02/05/10 Dhanya, my young Indian lady crew member
and accomplished J24 sailor,
joined the boat. (Dhanya's
03/05/10 Sure enough, the Captain of the
Port wasn't best pleased when I turned up at his office this morning
with a change of crew list, and purposely delayed us. We also
needed to clear out in the Customs Office on the other side of town, as
well as buy our fruit and veg for the next four days or so.
04/05/10 Storm Dodger and
ourselves weighed anchor at 0900 and made
our way out to sea, motor sailing throughout the day because there was
little or no wind.
05/05/10 Absolutely no wind this
morning but there was an electrical storm astern of us during the early
hours, lighting up the sky with vivid forks of lightning. Dodging fishing boats all night long - and still motor sailing
in high temperature and humidity. Haven't caught any fish either,
although something fairly big had obviously taken an interest in my lure
and bitten through the wire trace, taking my brand new lure with it.
Happy Birthday Tracey. Again an electrical storm,
this time ahead of us, which fortunately dispersed as dawn broke.
Stopped the engine for three hours at 0630 and decanted 100 litres of
fuel from jerry cans, topped up water and oil and repaired a damaged
bimini frame. The day was a mixture of sailing and motor-sailing
and the evening was the usual game of fishing boat dodgems as we
remained within 10 miles of the coast. How can there be so
many fishing boats??
07/05/10 The skies blackened just after
midnight and the lightning started again, this time much closer. I
reefed the genoa and put two reefs in the mainsail in anticipation of
the storm, then went to bed at 0200, leaving Dhanya on watch. Just
after 0400, Dhanya woke me and said we were in the storm, and within
seconds of stumbling into the cockpit, the wind and torrential rain hit
Lightning was hitting the sea all around and very close, the air
noticeably heating up with each 'strike'. Both wind
alarms were screaming out warnings and the autohelm alarm told me the
course could not be held. It took several minutes to ease the main
and furl the genoa before regaining course on a beam reach with the wind
blowing at 40 knots. The main worry was the shipping and fishing
boats - which were now invisible in the driving rain and rough seas.
The storm was fortunately a localised one and lasted just two hours.
By 0900, we were back to the usual motor sailing in calm seas. It
was obvious that we were not going to make it to Cochin in daylight and
would therefore not be able to clear customs and immigration during
their working hours - a problem for Ayesha, the young girl crewing on
Storm Dodger as she had a return flight to Mumbai booked for
Saturday morning. Phone calls to influential persons in Cochin
were made and as we anchored off the Raj Malabar Hotel (next to the
impressive new Port Office), security and customs vessels came
alongside and gave permission for her to land and make her way to the
airport. Roger and Astrid came over and we despatched a bottle of
Urrak (the first distillation of cashew nuts) in celebration of our arrival.
08/05/10 As it is weekend, and the port
office is closed until Monday, we are unable to complete entry
formalities and cannot move from the anchorage, although a few more
strings were pulled and we did manage to clear immigration, thanks to
Loval (named after the astronaut. His name is actually
George Loval, but everyone calls him Lo) of the Cochin
Yachting Association - which
allows us ashore to shop or eat. Dhanya was ferried ashore to
visit family before making
her way back to Mumbai (thanks Dhanya - it was good to have you aboard)
we were interviewed by a television crew - a now common experience as
there is great interest in the Vasco da Gama Rally here in India as it
is seen as a possible boost to tourism and yachting in general.
10/05/10 Following a night of
thunderstorms and heavy rain, the local 'bumboat' picked up Roger and
myself at 0945 and took us ashore to the port authority building.
We were 'fast tracked' - escorted by a uniformed customs officer who
personally made photocopies of the papers we required, showed us the
various offices etc., which was probably the result of phone calls made
by Ayesha, Dhanya and Loval to people in high places! I'm glad we
were not in the normal process because even being rushed through, it
still took well over two hours to complete the papers. The offices
have to be seen to be believed, there are mountains of dog-eared and
dusty folders, all individually tied up with string, piled on every
surface and bursting out of dilapidated cupboards - how do they ever
find anything. Or do they ever look? The copies of our port entry,
ships details, crew lists and the many other forms are made on
thermal image paper, which of course will have faded into nothing in six
months time, and all are religiously stamped, holes punched in the
corners and string passed through for filing alongside the other heaps
of folders. All of this occurs in colonial style buildings which
have no air-conditioning, just a slowly rotating ceiling fan, and the
dirty windows still have crossed strips of masking tape on them -
probably dating back to the Second World War. However, when it was
all done, we returned to the boats and weighed anchor to make the short
passage to Bolgatty and our home for the monsoon season. This is a
'marina' construction beside the Bolgatty Hotel and as such is not yet
complete, the water and electric boxes not all functioning correctly.
(The official opening of the marina was just a few weeks ago on the 24th
April.) The hotel has a pool, bar, gymnasium, restaurant, snooker and table
tennis facilities, horse riding school and an eighteen hole golf course,
as well as a 'marina house' where you can rent a room should you fancy a
break from the boat - so it should be ok to spend a few months here.
The main town of Ernakulam is a short ferry ride away and is yet to be explored!
11/05/10 Now that we are in
Cochin, this
is the end of the Vasco da Gama Rally. The town is where Vasco da
Gama died on Christmas Eve 1524, and I was in his birthplace in
November 2006. You can view a few
of the journalistic reports about the rally
here, (my eyes are brown, not blue!)
here and
here. The boat is tied up
alongside a pontoon for the first time since Port Ghalib in Egypt, and
4,422 nautical miles have been recorded since sailing from Marmaris in
Turkey some five months ago. We are now less than 10o
north of the equator - that's under 600 miles. Thunderstorms are
frequent, heralding the start of the southwest monsoon (April to
October), which is the hot and rainy season, and as can be expected, the
humidity is stifling.
14/05/10 The marina is full of police
boats! Kerala Police are today having a bit of a ceremony and
accepting the hand over of around 50 small new speedboats, equipped with
forty horsepower Honda outboards, in which they will patrol the
backwaters and estuary of Cochin. Sadly, no-one thought to give
the 'river police' any courses in boat handling skills and when they all
tried to leave the marina together, pandemonium ensued! It was
quite upsetting to watch as boats rammed one another, mounted finger
pontoons, reversed the new engines into pontoons or, on leaving the
marina, ripped off their bimini tops on the overhang of Storm
Dodger's bow.
15/05/10 A lazy day at the pool.
Too hot to contemplate working and decided on a day of relaxation by the
poolside...................the trouble is, the pool is like having a warm
bath and it's only when you come out of the water, have a cold shower
and sit in what breeze there might be, that you feel any relief from the humidity.
Worryingly, we know it can only get worse as the monsoon arrives!
Whilst I've been having my lazy day, Jessica Watson, the sixteen year
old girl from Australia, has crossed the finish line to become the
youngest solo, non-stop round the world yottie......congratulations to
17/05/10 Made my second visit into town
in order to buy a high speed wi-fi dongle (my phone connection is too
slow).........what a performance!! I anticipated that they
(the shop) would want a copy of my passport and a photo and took both
with me. They wanted the original passport so they could take a
copy! Then they accepted the copy but wanted an address in Cochin,
which I gave them.......not good enough, they wanted proof that I was
staying at that address. Eventually they accepted that I was
indeed with the Vasco da Gama Rally (they've all heard of us) and that I
was indeed in the new Kochi International Marina, but now they wanted
proof of my UK address. I explained that I left the UK four
years ago and lived on my boat, and consequently did not have a
permanent address in the UK (though of course I could provide
one).........nope, not good enough, they wanted proof. I gave up
in frustration at that point and took their foolscap questionnaire, my
passport copy and photograph, told them what they could do with their
dongle and left the shop. I mean, I know they are only applying
their stringent anti-terrorist rules, but I'm in my sixties, a single
handed sailor visiting their country with a rally reported on by
newspaper and television.......do I look like a goddamn terrorist??
Maybe when I've got over my annoyance, I'll go back there with so much
paperwork that they will have to sell me one, or spend the whole day
copying my life history.
19/05/10 So yesterday, I went back to
the Reliance dongle shop armed with reams of paperwork........and they
didn't want any of it! There were a couple of other rally
members in there and it now seems that the shop has got the idea of what
we yotties actually do with our lives. The upshot of it all was
that they were only too pleased to take my money this time, and give me
the required high speed connection. I should now be able to upload
some photo's onto the album over a period of time. Heavy rain for
a great part of today and the roads in town were flooded to about 0.25
metre, not that it slowed the tuk-tuk drivers down, they still drive
like demented kamikaze pilots.
20/05/10 Today, HMS Chatham which we
visited in Salalah, rescued over twenty crew members from a freighter
which had put out a Mayday in stormy seas off the coast of Somalia.
Well done lads!
22/05/10 Rain every day now, but at
least it's warm rain! Temperature still in the high twenties/low
thirties, so
even if the UK is experiencing good weather this weekend, it still isn't
as hot as it is here!! I have two Indian guys onboard, employed to
clean and polish the boat - the hull and those of all the other rally boats are
showing the ravages of five months at sea, with green algae well above
the water line, barnacles in abundance and long tentacles of weed
hanging down. I took down my sails (after going to the top of the
mast to free a jammed block), folded them up and stored them in one of
the hotel rooms allocated to us............then went for a swim to cool
23/05/10 Very hot and humid again
today. Whilst at the top of the mast yesterday, I took down my
wind instrument which had been sticking on the last few days of sailing,
cleaned and greased it and screwed it back at the top of the
mast.....today it's showing the direction perfectly but not the wind
speed, so I'll have to go back to the masthead and have another look at
it. Spent the afternoon in the pool with the gang just trying to
keep cool. Received a call during the evening from Nazar
(one of the local boat men, tuk-tuk driver and general helper), inviting us to his daughter's wedding party this
coming Sunday - so that's something to look forward to.
25/05/10 It's just gone 7.30pm here and
we're in the middle of a huge thunderstorm! The rain is absolutely
lashing it down, the thunder is making everything on the boat vibrate
and the lightning is making it look like daytime. We (Roger,
Astrid and myself) have spent the day in Ernakulam and Fort Cochin,
being driven around all day by Nazar, buying chemicals for my watermaker,
rain awnings (need to re-measure mine before ordering) and various other
bits and pieces - including two live chickens........well, they were
alive when we bought them, but two minutes later they were deceased,
skinned and in our bags! As we returned to the marina, the skies turned jet
black and we knew we were in for a serious downpour, which we are now
getting!! The day was quite interesting, although standards of
driving still astound me and I cannot understand why we do not see
dozens of accidents each day. The trip over Throppumpady Bridge to
Fort Cochin showed us why heavy vehicles are not permitted......it's
falling to bits! We were invited onto the platform of one of the
Chinese fishing nets to have a go at raising and lowering the nets, which
the fishermen do every few minutes. Cochin is the only place outside of
China where you can see this type of net, which is on the end of a balanced
boom - the shore end being weighted with rocks. Catches of fish
however, are diminishing due to overfishing and weather conditions
during the last year or two, and the six families who operate the net we
visited are finding it hard to make ends meet.
26/05/20 This afternoon saw the last
meeting of skippers and crews of the Vasco da Gama Rally yachts - so the
rally is officially over as of today, and Lo is now organising the next
(and last) rally from India to Turkey.
27/05/10 Infuriatingly, my wi-fi dongle
kept dropping the connection this morning whilst I was trying to read
the news, and eventually it cut me off altogether telling me that my
username and password were invalid. So, a trip to the dongle shop
again where they told me that the system was being updated and that all
would be well in about a half hour. Sceptic that I am, I didn't
believe them for one moment and sure enough, on returning to the boat
some 6 hours later....it still gives out the same message! Oh
dear, I think someone is going to get an ear bashing tomorrow morning.
28/05/10 Into the Reliance telephone
shop, much foot stamping and desk thumping.......but Roger still didn't
get his mobile phone working! They did however, sort out my dongle
30/05/10 For various reasons, I decided
not to go to the wedding of Nazar's daughter this afternoon. Those
that did attend tell me that it was a colourful event.
Click for some of the Vasco da Gama
For previous logs, click
For information on the Vasco da
Gama Rally, click
