02/11/19 Sat. Did our usual monthly check out today, sail
tomorrow for Brunei.
03/11/19 Sun. Slipped our moorings around 0845 and motored
out across Victoria Harbour - against the tide and wind! We could
hear a Russian warship calling Muara Port as we left the harbour, and
when we got nearer to Brunei, we could see her anchoring outside the
port channel. She was the Admiral Panteleyev, a guided
missile destroyer. Inside the harbour were three Indonesian
corvette type warships and a larger Russian ship - a Slava Class guided
missile cruiser, the Varyag. Being Sunday, the crew were
all on the flight deck in dress whites....ah, Divisions....I remember it
well! Dropped anchor off the yacht club, Serasa in about 5 metres
and let out 30+ metres of chain.
07/11/19 Thurs. A long day spent going to town for
shopping. Normally, we would borrow a car but on this occasion,
none were available so we had to take the public transport option.
First a bus to Muara, then a second to Bandar and from there a third to
Gadong. Maybe one hour shopping and repeat the bus routine - total
time taken 6½ hours. Had a drink with Barry and Paul on our return
to the yacht club.
08/11/19 Fri. Time to go back to Labuan. Took
the dinghy to the ferry terminal to start the long process of checking
out. They really are drowning under a sea of paperwork - it's a 35
foot boat with 2 people onboard but.....Health Department, fill in 4
forms, get them stamped, Marine Department, fill in 3 forms, get them
stamped, Customs, hand in said forms, Immigration.....questions, get
passport stamped, return one form to Marine Department, hand in crew
lists to every department. And all the forms are exactly the same
as the ones we filled in on arrival. The mind boggles.
Weighed anchor at 0915 and motored back to Labuan, with no wind and a 1
metre swell running, it was a rolly passage. It's about the
same distance as a Channel crossing from Dover to Calais, without the
shipping lanes but with the addition of numerous oil platforms,
associated support vessels, tugs and buoyed exclusion zones. You
cannot follow previous tracks because the exclusion zones change with
every crossing, so it's a case of spot the buoys and re-route around
09/11/19 Sat. Into town for the usual check in with Jabatan
Laut and Immigration - quick and easy (unlike Brunei!). The
weather is not so good, gusty winds and showers all day.
10/11/19 Sun. Under normal circumstances, we would be
attending the Remembrance Sunday Service at the cemetery this morning,
but we had many things to do in preparation for leaving again tomorrow.
We will be flying down to Kuching to help Brent with his 'broken'
Some very sad news today too, my good friend Barry from Brunei arrived
in the marina onboard Fourth Dimension and an hour later had a
fatal heart attack on the pontoon. He will be sorely missed by all
his friends. R.I.P. Barry.
24/11/19 Sun. After eleven days or so in Kuching, we flew
back last night. I wish I could say it was a productive 11 days
but it wasn't really. The miscreant engine still refuses to start
and I have done all possible to start it. The only things which
were not done was to try it with a completely new jerry can of fuel and
disconnect the exhaust piping. The injection pump has been cleaned
and checked 3 times at a professional and competent shop, as have the
injectors (I watched). The valves have been removed and
re-ground, the compression checked, the air intake is clear, as is the
exhaust mixing elbow. The fuel injection timing has been checked
at 18o BTDC over and over again.
I started to doubt my own sanity until the owner of the injector pump
shop came to the boat and tried himself, checking everything and saying
"you've done everything right - it should start". I guess we will
find the cause eventually but it's very frustrating for me not to
succeed in starting it - or discovering the cause!
30/11/19 Sat. Yesterday I started to remove the old
winch from the port side of the mast. My first plan to hacksaw
through the securing bolts had to be abandoned because of insufficient
room to saw - the hacksaw is too close to the mast to operate it.
The only option remaining was to drill the bolts out and they are
stainless steel ¼ inch countersunk. It took me two hours to drill
two, and the remaining two today occupied 90 minutes of my time!
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