Home of the yacht "RHUMB DO"
    july 2024


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02/07/24 Tues.  Ana left today to fly to Manila for her daughter's graduation from Senior High School, she will be back in a weeks time.

09/07/24 Tues.  I went up to Robinson's this afternoon to try and get a top up for the internet but couldn't find anywhere that sold the scratch cards. Made my way to the airport and met Ana off her flight, then we went to Max and Bunny's for a late 'dinner'.

14/07/24 Sun. Rain again this afternoon.  Went over to the yacht club in the morning and I had some breakfast there while Ana was cutting sunbrella for Tom and Sheryl's dinghy chaps.

17/07/24 Weds. We are getting rain every day, sometimes  just a shower, other times a downpour!  Ana continues with her sewing for various boats and making her Barbie doll dresses to post off to customers.  I'm just fixing small things on the boat and 'saving' the bigger jobs for later!

18/07/24 Thurs.  We went to Robinsons today to renew my visa. It makes me laugh every time I go there and read the 'mission statement' on the large notice attached to the back wall of the office......"We aim to be the most efficient Immigration Service, blah, blah".  The guy who eventually attended to me was too interested in playing games on his phone to be polite and courteous, and just made short and snappy demands of me.  Anyway, filled the forms and was told to come back on the 23rd - yep, that's efficient, they only need to stamp the damn passport! 

23/07/24 Tues.  Strong winds and rain continue each day, we had 42 knots two days ago and 31 yesterday - makes things a little uncomfortable!  Back to Immigration today to collect my 29 day extension (2,030 pesos), then into town and a wander around NCCC mall.

26/07/24 Thurs. The club lads came out today and checked my mooring chain and ropes.  While they were here, they cleaned the bottom of the boat, which for some reason is attracting barnacles very quickly - we've cleaned the waterline twice already since our arrival in PP.

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