05/07/017 Weds. Still no chart download, despite further
e-mails, this time to the Europe office, and their site has really
screwed up my computer! I've spent the last three days trying to
get it to work properly again, with only marginal success. I can
connect to the internet again but not to my AIS wi-fi. The whole
thing is driving me crazy and I am not best pleased with C-Map or the
stupid Go Free Marine site. Caught rat number four in the
trap last night (set on the pontoon)! Ana went off to Brunei this
morning for the day, visa time comes round so quick. Paul and
Merissa left today, having sold their boat, so don't know when we will
see them again.
08/07/17 Sat. The chart saga goes on. Spent the last
few days giving a little advice to Joe, owner of Stargazer (two
boats along) who is having difficulty stripping his furler gear which
has jammed because of broken strands of forestay. Still full of a
cold and cough!
09/07/17 Sun. Very hot again, not doing much! C-Map
have been in touch and want me to give them remote control of my
laptop........hmmm, not too sure about that. GoFree have also been
in touch and asked me to download a further five (5) files. Just
why is it so damn difficult to download a 700mb file? If the
system does not work, it should not be open to the public until it does!
11/07/17 Tues. Hopefully, things are happening on the chart
front - the helpful lady at C-Map has got the Australian office to
message me with a view to posting a SD Card to me, while GoFree Europe
office are asking for further details to allow a download. Took my
dinghy to Motorship today to have a patch re-glued, I had previously
used a glue from Eric which was clearly not suitable.
13/07/17 Thurs. Rented a car yesterday afternoon, tried to
pick up dinghy but it wasn't ready until this morning - all OK now.
Still no progress on the chart situation, no idea if it's been posted to
me so I will have to mail them again and ask. Very strong winds
both last night and tonight, showing 26 knots on the instruments in the
marina, and we are protected here. Sail east rally has been
through and is now on it's way to KK - well some are, others are still
here or arriving. My cold has now improved thanks to a little help
from Scotland mixed with honey and lemon!
15/07/17 Sat. Last night there was a bit of a get together
for the rally boats but as so few are here, we were all invited to make
up the numbers, we went and had a little to eat and a fruit juice!
My chart has been dispatched and is currently in Kuala Lumpur. It
may be time to start looking for another laptop as mine is getting very,
very slow and acting strangely since it crashed earlier this month.
17/07/17 Mon. The weather has been very changeable over the
last week or so, periods of strong winds and rain, then sunshine and
high temps. I am looking into the costs of replacing all my
running rigging and it's almost as cheap to buy it from UK as it is
Singapore........and I get more than I need! Will have to look
further into that.
18/07/17 Tues. My C-Map chart arrived from Australia this
morning and it seems to work OK in the chartplotter. I think the
plotter will take some getting used to after so many years with the
Standard Horizon one! I don't think the B & G one has tidal
stations either which will be a real pain, but I need to check more
21/07/17 Fri. The weather continues to be variable,
yesterday was hot and sunny, today grey and cooler with the threat of
rain. We need to get out and go to Brunei for a while but with
this unstable weather, I will need to check far in advance.
28/07/17 Fri. So the laptop gave up several days ago and I
have been forced to buy a new one! Transferring files from one to
another is taking days and I am not sure this website will work
correctly anymore, if it works at all. Apologies if you do not get
correct displays of pages, I will get around to fixing it eventually!
Have emptied rear cabin and reorganised lockers, throwing away some gear
which is no longer needed, moving other stuff into different lockers or
cabins. Still a long way to go with the sorting out of gear!
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