01/02/16 Mon. A trip to the bank this morning showed that
my debit card, used to withdraw funds from the ATM, expired yesterday!
That's not good news for me! Arranged to have new one sent out to
me, but how long is that going to take? Had a few beers in the
evening with Pat and Lyda in marina cafe.
03/02/16 Weds. A few beers and some dinner in the marina cafe this
evening, with Eddie, Glenda and Henrike (the German lady kidnapped last
year and held by Abu Sayyaf rebels for six months).
04/02/16 Thurs. Up, showered and out by 5.45am, round to
the Waterfront Hotel to go with Pat to the airport as the end of her
holiday is here. She left for Kuala Lumpur where she is spending a
few days before flying back to Singapore and her homeward flight to
Manchester. It's been great seeing her again after all these
06/02/16 Sat. Some sort of celebration going on - marina
office and cafe have been closed for last two days, loud music at
nights, street markets nearby........only thing that comes to mind is
Federal Territory Day, but that is on the 1st of February and Chinese
New Year is the 8th, so who knows? Paul and Alison invited me over
for BBQ this evening and very nice it was too! Around 9pm we were
treated to a brilliant firework display from a nearby car park, the
mortar rockets exploding loudly immediately above the boat, giving us a
little concern over falling debris, some of which fell in the garden
grounds of the Waterfront Hotel and started a fire which spread quickly
through the tinder dry undergrowth. The Fire Brigade were quickly
on scene and the fire extinguished......a bit of excitement for the
11/02/16 Thurs. Nothing much to report! Pat arrived
safely back in the UK, Rene and Lesley onboard Crib continue
toward Langkawi. Marina is practically devoid of liveaboards at
the moment and the cafe bar is empty (apart from me!) in the evenings.
I will be flying up to Manila for a few days on Sunday, so today I get
my boarding card printed and some cash exchanged.
13/02/16 Sat. Doing really well for tomorrow's trip to
Manila.........rucksack zip is broken and now I've had mail telling me
the flight is delayed one hour - means I won't get to hotel until about
10pm after leaving boat at 7am. Deep joy!
14/02/16 Sun. Caught the 8am ferry to KK, had some lunch
then made my way to the airport - further delays meant the flight didn't
take off until some 5 hours after the scheduled time......2am arrival at
Manila hotel!
23/02/16 Tues. Leaving Manila - a manic city! Traffic
congestion is the normal here, diesel fumes are at unbearable levels and
one particular journey on a jeepney had to be abandoned because the
vehicle was filling with fumes from a broken exhaust pipe and breathing
was difficult. Traffic rules are largely ignored with no priority
at crossroads, motorbikes and trikes ignore one-way streets.
Travel on the LRT is akin to a sardine can packaging plant with people
crammed in every available space - but at least you don't have to hold
on....you cannot fall anywhere! Ana and I were at the airport in
good time......especially as the flight was once more delayed!
Landing in Kuala Lumpur, we then caught the shuttle bus to Subang
airport and from there a taxi to our hotel.
24/02/16 Weds. A repeat of last nights journey via
taxi and shuttle bus, back to KLIA2 airport and our flight to Labaun -
yep.........delayed again! Arrived in Labuan around 7.30pm to find
there was no power on 'A' dock and hadn't been for the last week.
25/02/16 Thurs. In the office chasing repairs to the
electricity supply - a job which has been repeated for months now.
27/02/16 Sat. Unable to stand the heat in the boat
with no fans any longer, I moved the boat to 'B' dock (which does have
power), until such time as they carry out repairs to the electricity
supply. The office tell me it will be on Monday..........but they
didn't say which Monday!
28/02/16 Sun. Repairing shredded lazy jack lines onboard my
mate Bob's boat Dulce, while he is away in Australia.
29/02/16 Mon. An extra day! The electricity supply on
'A' dock remains untouched. (What a surprise!)
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