Home of the yacht "RHUMB DO"
    august 2024


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02/08/24 Fri.  I've had a lousy cold for the last few days which is making me irritable and cranky!  Spent a couple of days un-laying an 80 metre length of 4 strand rope which I've carried around on deck for the last 17 years or so - it has become hard with constant wetting and drying and is unusable, so I've un-laid it and re-laid it as a 3 strand rope for use in mooring.

14/08/24 Weds. I am still unwell, coughing and sneezing.  I have no appetite, feel weak and my body temperature is all over the place - sometimes my skin is sensitive to the touch and burning up, temp measures 102oF, at other times I'm shivering wearing socks, t-shirt, coat with the hood up and a blanket wrapped round me.  Bed is the only place I want to be during the day.  Ana is great, and looks after me well, if I don't eat one food, she makes another.  Each morning I feel a little better though so I'm hoping that I'm on the mend!

15/08/24 Thurs. OK, decided that I have Covid as I have ALL the symptoms listed - high temp, shivers, no appetite, can't lift my arms, weak, difficulty breathing, incessant coughing etc., but at least I'm getting better each day!

18/08/24 Sun. Back on my feet again and feeling much better, the coughing is easing and I'm eating again!  Fit enough today to go over to the seaplane hangar and spread out Ray's mainsail and two headsails that have various tears in them and need repairing.  Ana is going to be busy for a while when the materials arrive.

20/08/24 Tues. Went to Robinsons to see my favourite people - the immigration! Renewed my visa again, this time for 2 months for which they charged 7405 pesos.

23/08/24 Fri. Took apart the wheelpilot today, found two more broken plastic parts inside and the belt was worn and fractured in two places.  Epoxied the plastic parts together again.

24/08/24 Sat. Re-assembled the wheelpilot, put a new belt on, and refitted it to the wheel.

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