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    april 2024


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01/04/24 Mon.  Happy Birthday to Ana! Helping Richard for most of the day, getting his boat ready for haul out tomorrow.  Went over to the yacht club for dinner with Ana and Josephine.

02/04/24 Tues.  A hectic morning - moved our boat across to Kanaway, then moved Richard's boat out to anchor, turned Nico's boat around, then mine and secured it to the mooring at bow and stern.  Then took Richard's boat to the yard and hauled out.  Ordered a new inverter from Cactus - my usual 'go to' place for electronics, but that won't be shipped until about the 18th.

07/04/24 Sun. A pleasant surprise today, my inverter was shipped by Cactus earlier than expected and has now cleared Customs in Kota Kinabalu, so it will be in Kudat fairly soon.


On a more unfortunate note - my sailing instruments (Furuno FI-70) have both got trouble with the polarising screen and are all but unreadable.  I cannot understand why LCD screens seem to fail when the units are in a switched off state.  I have repaired some, but the Furuno type have a sealed screen which I cannot access, so it's going to mean replacing the two of them with new units, and at around £500 per unit, I'm not very happy about it!!



10/04/24 Weds. Making some changes to the nav. berth walls in anticipation of fitting the inverter there.

11/04.24 Thurs.  Drove down to KK this morning for a doc's appointment tomorrow.  Tried to do some shopping for things I need but as it's Hari Raya, most shops were closed.

12/04/24 Fri.  Another attempt to find some of the things I need, again thwarted by extended holidays!  Had my check up with Dr Melinda Tong at 12 noon and I have to come back on Monday for a biopsy, which is a bit of a nuisance but has to be done.  Drove back to Kudat in the dark and heavy traffic.

13/04/24 Sat.  Collected my inverter from the yard, had a restful day.

15/04/24 Mon.  Drove down to KK again, did a little shopping in the morning and then to Dr Melinda for my biopsy (back of my neck).  After being stitched up, we drove back to Kudat, and now to wait for the results.  It should take a week but as there is a backlog caused by the holiday, it might take a while longer.

18/04/24 Thurs.  A message from another yachtie told me that my e-mail address on the contact page is not working.  Many thanks for that, it was a typing error on my part when I changed e-mail address - I've corrected it now, sorry if anyone has been trying to e-mail me!  We continue to work on the alterations to the nav. berth walls and Ana is making a large awning for Shelley to replace the one she made in 2017.

22/04/24  Mon.  Went to the clinic in town and had my stitches removed.

26/04/24 Fri.  Ana has completed Richard's awning and has been making dinghy chaps for Haidee.  Another boat wants some awning work done too, but we have to wait for him to get the material first.  Melinda has messaged me to come back down to KK as she wants to refer me to another doctor - which all sounds a little ominous and she won't discuss the biopsy results over the phone.  OK, car rental organised for the 30th and we'll go down there again!   My Furuno instruments are proving hard to obtain, they are on order with Cactus but they won't have them in stock until the 2nd May - and my visa runs out on the 5th!  The new inverter installation is taking longer than expected, the nav berth wall has been renewed but the inverter won't fit there, so I am having to resite it under the chart table - not an ideal location but it's all I have!  Spent the last few days figuring out the cable runs and drilling holes.

30/04/24 Tues. Drove down to KK again for my appointment with Melinda Tong, took Marc with us as he was staying a few days in town.  The biopsy results were as feared, it's a basal cell carcinoma but mixed in with a more aggresive form of cancer which will obviously have to be removed.  I have to make another appointment with Dr Ramesh, a plastic surgeon at Gleneagles Hospital - he once removed another on my shoulder in November 2021, but he worked at KPJ Hospital then.

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