07/04/13 Nothing is
happening!! I'm still waiting for my stress test hospital
appointment. Summer arrived yesterday when the temperature went up
to 8oC!
08/04/13 Margaret Thatcher, ex-Prime
Minister of the UK from 1979 to 1990 has died today.
11/04/13 Over the last few days, the
newspapers and television news broadcasts have been full of the Margaret
Thatcher story with emphasis on the 'hate groups.' It's a sad
state of affairs when some people cannot show respect for the dead,
despite what they thought of her politics.
12/04/13 Spring in the UK!!
18/04/13 Still not much happening here.
Maggie's ceremonial funeral took place in London without any hassle.
19/04/13 Happy
Birthday Astrid!
20/04/13 'Phone calls to the hospital
bring the response, "we're working through the waiting list and your
appointment should be about 4 to 6 weeks."
22/04/13 Happy
Birthday Jordan!
23/04/13 As I am not onboard to fly the
flag today on St George's Day, I will have to do it here!!
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